Work ethics...
Having a long time of expertise we understand that for creating one-of-a-kind objects prototyping is essential. We manufacture color/material and sometimes even joinery samples for our clients, so they can better understand the product we will create together.
If you are an architect/ design company thinking about efficiancy but still having your bespoke designs we can create a color pallet just for you.
After receiving your design drawings and confirming the project samples we create manufacturing drawings which are than sent to you and go to manufacturing only after your approval. So you would be sure you are getting exactly what you wanted.

Natural wood
In any shape or form...

We pride ourselves in historical architecture and solid wood knowledge. This means we can create different wooden elements depending on the style that you want to represent or recreate. Doesn't matter if it's Art Deco, contemporary, modern, or renaissance.
We have been working with solid wood since 2007. Solid wood gives an amazing possibility milled or carved into any shape or form, making every design more complex and exceptional. We will be your trusted partner not only through manufacturing but also prototyping process.

...hand-crafted just for you.

Additional services, such as gilding in gold leaf...
We gild wooden carvings and elements in the traditional way with up to 24K gold. The gold color varies according to how many karats are there. In more rugged environments we may gild with imitational silver or gold leaf.

... and combining multiple materials.
In our manufacturing facilities, we work with different solid woods, plywood, and other wooden materials. In the furniture, we can also incorporate different metals, leather, or other textiles depending on our client's wishes. To learn more about our possibilities, please send us your quotation.

... our virtues
We mostly manufacture from solid wood and it's products. Being a family company we care about the future... and being Lithuanians we love the forest. We understand that the tree will grow back, but it will take 20-40 years. This is why we think that one of the most essential qualities of an interior should be longevity. If a tree takes 20 years to regrow then that is at least how long should an interior last (if not more...). Longevity in architecture is the number one solution to the climate crisis. We manufacture interiors that are long-lived in quality and style.


Founded in 2007 by Rūta Baltrušaitytė, the company is owned by a family of architects and craftsmen. Wood and architecture tradition is long running in the family and passed on from generation to generation.